A number of members and their gliders are at Husbands Bosworth this week for a competition, so far they seem to have had very little flying due to adverse weather conditions.
Meanwhile, at the Mynd; this week’s course is being run by Rob Hanks supported by Guy Hartland.
So far the 7 course students have flown every day (I bet it will rain tomorrow now that I’ve written this…..) in a variety of conditions ranging from; hot & sunny on Monday, very unusual for the Mynd, through to a great ridge afternoon yesterday once it became flyable.
Other News
We were visited by the inspection team from Shropshire Fire and Rescue this morning conducting an audit of our fire safety systems, I’m happy to report that we passed.
Following the recent undercarriage collapse the Twin Astir is now in Roger’s workshop for an inspection. hopefully the glider will be back in action for the weekend.
The bar, the most important room in the clubhouse, has started to undergo a face-lift, we have a new glass-washer and the first of the “pews” have been refurbished.
Future Events
There are 2 forthcoming flying events: –
Simon’s Cross Country Course
The course will be run by Simon Adlard, our former National Coach.
All aspects of Cross Country flying will be on the menu including: – Task Selection, Flight Planning, Advanced Soaring, Glider Performance, Speeds to Fly, etc, etc.
Weather permitting Cross Country Tasks will be set to allow students to practice what they have been taught.
Mynd Task Week
This year’s event sees the introduction of a new format to encourage less experienced cross country pilots to extend their experience and achieve some flying goals.
Each cross country soarable day we will set separate tasks (in the same task area) suitable for each of the 3 classes. This will enable pilots to compete against other pilots with similar experience levels. Prizes will be awarded for each class so everyone gets a chance.
So if you want to stretch your cross country legs a bit and want to take part in a friendly event with all the usual competition benefits, daily weather and Notam briefings, tasks set suitable for your level of experience and guaranteed retrieves then get your entry in now at only £25 per glider.
Steve Male