Our Motor Glider Can Speed Your Training
Thirty minutes in the motor-glider is equivalent in price to five winch launches. But it gives you a solid 25 minutes of stick time and the ability to climb up and do the exercises again, and again, and again. On days when it is only possible to do five-minute circuits, with an instructor doing the take-off and landing, this is a very cost-effective option. Later in your training the motor-glider can be used for field selection exercises, navigation training and learning to ride the wave.

Basic Flying Skills
Right from the start the motor-glider can be used effectively to pack the most into your training time. Especially on days when other gliders are doing five-minute circuits. the engine can be trimmed to simulate almost any glider performance, with the backup of being able to climb up and do things again. Handling is similar to other gliders and it has all the same controls and instruments.

Cross Country Flying
Before long you will be wanting to leave site and fly cross country. This involves a whole new skill set with weather planning, routing decisions, using GPS and reading the conditions on the way. The motor-glider is the ideal way to prepare for cross country, from ground school on planning to routing in the air.