Chairman’s Blog 21st November 2019

21 Nov 2019

Home » Chairman’s Blog 21st November 2019

Hi everyone
There have been a whole series of outstanding flights posted this week by Chris Gill flying out of Denbigh and into the Snowdonia wave.  It seems to work in almost any direction.  Yesterday Chris was with Neil Croxford in southerly wave then flew again with Adrian Flower and covered about 400kms all together.  Not bad at the end of November. Capture1
Then he achieved a declared 300k today.Chrisgill
Chris is coming to talk to us as the first of our Winter Lecture series this Saturday starting at 1800 hours.  I have heard Chris talk about Denbigh before and believe me he is not to be missed, so make a point of being there.  If you want to eat afterwards, and why wouldn’t you, contact Helen or Dave on 01588 650405 asap.  They need to know numbers so they can have enough food for everyone.  The menu looks amazing including Mustard Salmon, Braised Beef, Burford Lamb and a vege option for mains.

Llanbedr Expedition 2020
Talking of wave flying in Snowdonia we are organising an expedition to Llanbedr from 21st to 29th of March 2020. Flying Snowdonia National Park is always a fantastic opportunity offering a wide range of flying experiences; high altitude flights in wave, flights around Snowdon and the surrounding peaks and coastal flying.  Currently there is a limited opportunity with only five glider spaces left or available. If you are interested in taking your glider to the Snowdonia Park, single seater or two seater, please email Nigel Lassetter  to confirm your booking. There is a cost of £300.00 per glider for the expedition period.  Launching will be by aerotow behind the Cosford Falke.
For those members interested in flying the Snowdonia peaks in one of the available two-seaters spaces as P2 pilots, please contact Nigel so that we can start a list of interested pilots. There may also be an opportunity to fly in the Cosford K21 under instruction or for a check flight.  Usually if you fly as P2 with a privately owned two seater you are asked to share the cost of the flight.

Jaca Expedition 2020
Clive Crocker is organising a return trip to Santa Cilia for next year.  It looks like it will span three weeks sometime from the middle of May to the middle of June.  Contact Clive for more details.

Help required for Wenlock Christmas Fayre
A reminder that the club will have a presence at the Wenlock Christmas Fayre on Saturday 7th December. This is an excellent event at which to raise the club profile and sell First Flight Experience flights.  Are you available to support this event with your presence?  As it is a long day, just a few hours from several people makes a big difference.  It is also an opportunity to stock up on Christmas presents.  Please contact James Moore.

Accommodation refurbishment
Those of you who have been at the club recently will have seen a considerable amount of work going on to improve the quality of the accommodation block, including changes to the bunk room.  This is happening because we have considerably increased the demand for our private rooms and they represent a very useful contribution to the club’s income over the year.  But the quality of the rooms has not been as good as we would like.  These improvements will bring them up to a much higher standard.  Many people have been involved and I want to thank everyone for their time and considerable effort.  Future plans over this winter include improvements to the briefing room and bar.

Wenlock Olympian Gliding Competition 2020
I’m pleased to report that we already have six entries for the Olympian next year.  As ever we will need a lot of people to help run the competition properly, safely and efficiently as well as making sure ev;eryone has fun.  I shall be directing the competition and John Randall is the primary event organiser.  There will be a short meeting on the afternoon of November 30th, prior to the members’ meeting, starting at 1500 hours, for you to register an interest and let us know how you think you can help.  We also need some help for the VGC Rally taking place shortly before so if you can help with that please come to the meeting.

Club images
Thanks to everyone who has responded to James’ request for quality images of the club and what goes on in it.  We have had some really high quality images but as I am currently reviewing all of the club publications and media at present I am appealing for more.  I could use images of things other than gliders such as the accommodation, inside the hangar, the bar, the briefings, the simulator in use, and of course the catering.  Please let me have anything you have or better still take a camera with you and take some new pics.  Thanks in

Your duty teams this weekend are:
Saturday:  Neal Clements (No 1), Matthew Cook (TLs), Geoff Dailey (winch), Glyn Macarthur (LD)
Sunday:  Simon Adflard (No 1), Mark Jerman (TLs), Geoff Dailey (winch), Liz Adlard (LD)

Happy landings
Jon Hall
