Chairman’s Blog June 27th 2019

27 Jun 2019

Home » Chairman’s Blog June 27th 2019

Hello again
Doesn’t a week go by quickly.  And doesn’t the weather change so quickly too.  So the beginning of the week I was looking at torrential rain and thunderstorms.  Today a lovely hot blue day but with a strong easterly wind.  Tomorrow looks like 25kt easterly so even though it looks like a nice day, unlikely to be flyable from the Mynd.  Saturday the wind goes to the south and Sunday we get a stiff westerly with the chance of some wave.

Your duty teams this weekend are:
Saturday: Mike Witton (no 1), Alan Swan (No 2), Nigel Lassitter (TLs), Peter Orchard (winch), Laurent Couval (LD)
Sunday: Simon Adlard (no 1), Denise Hughes (TLs), Peter Orchard (winch), Liz Adlard (LD)

Instructor Shortage
We are short of another instructor to assist club flying next week.  This is becoming a regular problem with not enough instructors on the rota and people pulling out at the last minute without much notice.  If anyone can help out next week even for a few days please get in touch with the office or the CFI.  We may also have a potential problem for Course 7 starting 8th July.  If there is an instructor able to offer at least the first two days that would be a great help.

Shrewsbury School
The pupils from Shrewsbury School are with us all of next week with Dave Crowson and Paul Fowler instructing.  They will be using the main bunk room all week.

Wood Week Vintage Rally
Starts 13th July until 20th July.  It is always good to see the sky above the club filled with brightly coloured vintage gliders so if you have one why not join in.


It is always nice when people let us know that we are doing something right so I was really pleased to see the following comment in response to my blog last week:
‘I attended a premium trial flight on June 20th. Apart from the flight, my wife and I, enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and welcome shown to us.  In particular, I would like to thank my instructor, Charles, for a very enjoyable and informative first flight.  Fantastic day.’
R***** L***

Restricted Airspace Alerts
I know that Silverstone is a popular O/R waypoint from the Mynd so all you cross country pilots please note:
Restriction of Flying Regulations for Silverstone and Turweston for British Grand Prix between 12 and 14 July 2019.
Details by NOTAM and in AIC M084/2019 at
Restrictions also apply to the operation of all drones.

Enjoy the good weather while it lasts
Happy landings
Jon Hall
