Chairman’s Blog May 2nd 2019

02 May 2019

Home » Chairman’s Blog May 2nd 2019

Hello everyone.  So for once I can say with some confidence that Saturday will be a very good day.  All the models more or less agree and it should be good for 500k plus for experienced pilots and definately great for Silver Distances or multiple romps around Tim’s Triangles.  This is SkySight’s prediction for a 500k task I have been looking at – not saying where in case I or the weather change our minds!Capture

Your duty teams this weekend are:
: Steve Male (No 1), William Brewis (No 2), Charles Carter (TLs), Stephen Alexander (winch), Dave Cole (LD)
Sunday: Clive Crocker (No 1), Mark Sanders (No2), Dave D’Arcy (TLs), Pete Orchard (winch), Laurent Couval (LD)Cross Country Development Week
MGC’s cross-country Development Week will take place from 7-12 May.  It will provide potential and early cross country pilots with a structured training opportunity to refresh their cross country skills prior to the main period of the cross country flying season. So far not people interested.  So sign up and get even more attention form ther coaches and a chance to fly with one of them in a Duo.


Tim Brunskill needs some volunteers to help out setting up on the Friday and running the stand on Saturday and Sunday.  The future of the club depends on us increasing our revenues and this is an outstanding chance to do some sales and recruitment from the 40,000 visitors expected at the Fiesta.  Please give up a half day of your time to help deliver, rig or talk to people at the show.  We have decided not to take the BGA Simulator but will have a glider on display.  Get in touch with Tim at this email address.
Temporary Membership Sign Up
May I remind everyone that it is illegal and extremely risky for us to fly anyone who is not a full or temporary member.  This includes members of the public who arrive for a trial lesson.  We must make sure that they sign a temporary membership form in the office before they are taken out to the launch point and put in a glider.  Not to do so means they are are not members and therefore they, and we, are not insured.  Any sort of accident under these circumstances would be disasterous.  Please make sure it never happens.This applies particularly to Launch Directors and BIs.
Associate Members
There has also been some confusion lately about Associate Members and their flying priviledges.  May I take this opportunity to remind you that we no longer have a Social Membership category.  There are only two categories of membership; Full Flying Membership and Associate Membership.  Associate Membership has a number of sub-categories such as Junior Membership.  Ignoring the Juniors for the time being Associate membership is for anyone who does not, or no longer wants Full Flying Membership.  The category comes with certain priviledges such as use of the club facilities, club member rates for purchases and accommodation and a maximum of four flights per year, one flight per quarter.

Have a great weekend.
Happy landings
Jon Hall
