Chairman’s Halloween Blog

31 Oct 2019

Home » Chairman’s Halloween Blog

Hi everyone

Not an especially nice day for the ghosts and ghoulies to be floating around the Mynd and the weekend looks like bringing some strong winds from the south west that may blow them away but it will be worth coming up to the club for dinner Saturday night.  See below, repeated from an email sent out today from the office ….
Halloween is upon us.
Ghoulish things are afoot at the Mynd!
Denise, together with help from the juniors, has decorated the clubhouse and ghoulies and ghosties have moved in.
Helen and Dave have prepared a meal direct from the Devil’s kitchen.
Those of you with a stomach for the above may like to see the menu for Saturday nights meal.

Scary Stuff Dinner Menu Saturday 2nd November
Eyeball Mayonaise £3.00
Bread Fingers with Sweet Chilli Sauce £3.00
The Devil’s Melon £3.00
Main Course
Ghoulish Lash Up £8.50
R.I.P. Cod £8.50
Rattling Lamb’s Ribs £8.50
Dead Chicken with Wine £8.50
Blood Red Crumble £3.00
Scary Spider Bonoffie Pie £3.00
Please give Helen or Dave a ring to book your meal.
It has become apparent this week that Ghoulies and Ghosties are all but indistinguishable from club members. Members will, of course, be wearing their membership badges but suggestions for any other techniques we could try to differentiate between the two would be appreciated.

Destination: Halloween at Value Village (CNW Group/Value Village)

Please note that on Sunday there will be no catering after 16.00

Last week I had a bit of finger trouble and innacurately reported the date of the Christmas Dinner.  It is in fact taking place on the 14th December.  Put it in your diary, or amend if you have already.

Wenlock Olympian Games Gliding
I’m happy to report that in the two weeks since we opened the entry list for the Olympian Competition we already have four registered entries and three of those are from overseas.  The competition is taking place 13th to 17th July 2020 and as the entry list is limited to 40 gliders it may be worth you putting in an early entry to make sure you get a place.  Open to any wooden or fabric covered glider, and I know we have a few of those.  Details can be seen on the competition website at  I shall be directing the comp but will need lots of help so if you can spare a day of five get in touch.

Still waiting
for contributions for the next newsletter

Have a great weekend
Happy landings
Jon Hall
