Chair’s Thursday blog

09 Aug 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week

Simon’s cross country course

They’ve had a mixed week, heading off around Shropshire, and Simon has been showing Geoff Dailey the Travellers Rest from the best angle before they managed to climb away back to the Mynd!  Today they are all setting off into Wales with high hopes for a decent distance task.   These courses are a wonderful way of improving your cross country or just getting you to be more confident.  See task week below.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Mike Greenwood, Walter Baumann, Peter Orchard, John O’Reilly

Sunday:  Mike Witton,Walter Baumann, Guy Hartland, Glyn Macarthur

Forthcoming events

Task week – 18th – 27th August 

 We really need to know numbers of competing gliders now (so we can buy the day prizes etc!). Please can you call the office to pay your £25 entry fee asap.

NB: £25 is the early-bird entry for those booking & paying now. The entry fee for entries confirmed or paid after 16th Aug will be £50.

Task Week is designed to encourage ALL pilots to fly Cross Country Tasks. As such, it is an inclusive activity, a bit of friendly competition – not an occasion for the club pundits to whizz round and take all the points!   It is the culmination of the year’s Cross Country Development Programme and introduces an element of competition prior to pilots flying either Rockpolishers or Regional competitions. It is open to any pilot holding a Bronze “C” with a Cross Country Endorsement.
The event is split in to 3 classes so that pilots compete against other pilots of similar skill and experience level. This year we are introducing a new scoring system to try to even things out between the classes and to avoid the skewed results from a single fast flight on a long task.

Please book the week off, ensure this is in your diary, and lets look forward to some wonderful weather. It will help you develop our skills no matter what standard you are at. More info here.

New members

 You will be aware that we have a range of packages to encourage new members. Sarah is planning to do a 15min pre-dinner chat (date tbc), to inform members about the packages and how they work. In the meantime, if you see Sarah, James Moore, or Steve Male at the club, please do take a moment to ask them about the packages, so that when a member of the public asks you about flying, you can ask them specific questions to find out whether a trial lesson really is best for them, or whether they actually want to Learn to Fly (in which case, the better option for them would be one of the new packages, maybe booking on to an upcoming Saturday Tour, or even full membership).

