Chair’s Thursday blog

27 Sep 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week

Congratulations to Holly Rennel who went solo yesterday on one of our best wave days which also allowed Dave Rance to fly high into Wales..

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Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Mike Witton, William Brewis, Stephen Alexander, John O’Reilly

Sunday:  Nigel Lassetter, Denise Hughes, Stephen Alexander, Mark Wakem

Forthcoming events

2019 MGC calendar – call for photos

We are planning to produce a MGC calendar for 2019, so if you have any good quality photos that you would like us to include, please email them to Sarah at by 4th Oct latest, along with your confirmation that you are happy for them to be used for that purpose. We will choose the best 12 or 13 and publish it during late November.”

Oktoberfest Stand – One more person needed please – 5th, 6th or 7th October

As part of the club’s continuing recruitment drive we will be taking a stand again at the Oktoberfest in Shrewsbury. It runs from 5th-7th October and we will be taking a glider. It was great fun last year and we gained a substantial number of new members, enquiries and trial lessons.

This is a call for volunteers to help out on that weekend! If you can help at all, (even for a few hours), please can you let Sarah know asap on or 07754070357. Many thanks!

Winter Lectures

October the 20th will be the first in the series and will be a talk on Expeditions.  Have you ever wondered what we do on club expeditions, how can I get on one, what would it be like?  This will be the talk for you hosted by some of our expedition leaders.  Beware, once you know you may well become hooked!

