Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and the highlights of the last committee meeting.
This week
Please accept my apologies for last weeks absence of blog, my delegation skills aren’t as good as I thought they were.
Wave day
Yesterday, as posted on WhatsApp and blogged earlier today, was a wonderful wave day, North Hill and Mynd members had a fabulous day once again showing the benefits of our site and if you are not on the WhatsApp I suggest you join – MGC Flying.
Winter Lecture
We were privileged to have a well attended talk from Jon Hall, Richard Bennett and Mike Greenwood on our expeditions. I hope it has inspired you to try to join in one next year.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Mike Witton, Mathew Cook, Stephen Alexander, Glyn Macarthur
Sunday: Simon Adlard, Denise Hughes, Liz Adlard, Stephen Alexander
Forthcoming events
Winter Lectures
November 17. Mike Groves Skylaunch
Please note that this has been moved from November the 10th. 18:00 start
For those of you who attended last years lecture you will be delighted to know that part 2 is being delivered this year. For those of you who did not attend you really missed a fantastic talk. Mike gives us a superb understanding of the life of winching all over the world including the movie world. Don’t miss it.
The other lectures are now on the web calendar I suggest you bookmark the link below
we are trying to make this the master calendar for out future events in order to give a longer term view of what we are planning.
Christmas meal and awards evening
Please put the 15th of December in your diary.
Highlights of the committee meeting 11th of October
The insurance brokers have advised that insurance for bonfires is tricky and the committee agreed that unless there was clear ownership of the event enabling coordination with the secretary then the event should not go ahead
A policy regarding social events was accepted and this will be put on the web sites
A petition has been received from some members and non members asking for the current policy on dogs to be amended. The secretary will issue a clarification statement to members by email and we will discuss the amendments with members before making a decision
Interest in the sale of the Discus has increased and the CFI will be negotiating with the interested parties
The club trailers will be taken on under the Fleet umbrella, the open trailer needs some refurbishment and the other trailers will have a standard service applied to them. This work will be scheduled over the Winter in the old MT shed. The heater for this is installed except for the electrical installation
The Chair will have to resign in December.
The Motor glider is now registered and the instructor cohort training is well under way. The prices for the use of the motor glider have now been approved.
The Simulator is attracting a lot of interest and we will incorporate it into our literature
The tours for potential members will start at again in November. We have had our first new member from Winterfest
CCW has been stripped back and has found to be in excellent condition. We will soon have first class K13s in the fleet.
Guy is liaising with Skylaunch to get the maintenance done before the start of the 7 day operation 2019
The Water Header Tank has arrived ready for installation. The existing tank needs replacing as a matter of urgency.