Chair’s Thursday blog

01 Nov 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future

This week

Good news and bad news

I am delighted to say that Steve Male will be back in harness as CFI from the 1st of November but of course it saddens us that Simon has to step back.  Seriously though, I am sure I reflect the feelings of all of you when I thank Simon for stepping into the breach and doing such a superb job for us.  We are very fortunate in having such depth of instructing ability.

Winter season

Just to remind you that as from the 4th of November the club is on winter opening times, which means flying is always available on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  If there is an exceptional forecast then we will try to arrange launching and direction via the WhatsApp group.

The office will be open Friday Saturday Sunday and Monday.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Chris Alldiss, Allan Reynolds, Geoff Dailey, John O’Reilly

Sunday:  Clive Crocker, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey

Forthcoming events

Winter Lectures

November 17. Mike Groves Skylaunch 18:00 start.

For those of you who attended last years lecture you will be delighted to know that part 2 is being delivered this year.  For those of you who did not attend you really missed a fantastic talk.  Mike gives us a superb understanding of the life of winching all over the world including the movie world.  Don’t miss it.

The other lectures are now on the web calendar I suggest you bookmark the link below

we are trying to make this the master calendar for out future events in order to give a longer term view of what we are planning.

Christmas meal and awards evening

Please put the 15th of December in your diary.
