Chair’s Thursday Blog

13 Dec 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future

This week

Moor Park Christmas Fayre

Thanks to all who braved the pouring rain to volunteer at the above event last week.  Despite the biblical rain it was  good actually, and we learnt a lot. We couldn’t use the glider due to the pouring rain so my thanks to those hardy volunteers who kindly took that home. Meanwhile, on our table we had some good conversations with folks there. We gathered a list of people who are really interested & want us to call them about membership products, talked to youngsters who were excited that they could go solo at 14, and other people took details with the intention of buying their trial lesson presents online.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Neal Clements, Denise Hughes, Geoff Dailey, Dave Cole

Sunday:  Mike Witton, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey, Liz Adlard

Forthcoming events

Christmas meal and awards dinner

I look forward to seeing you all at this event on Saturday.

Winter Lectures

Our next lecture will be the National Trust on the 12th of January.  For an ancient hill things do move quickly and the trust always give us an inspirational and informative talk on what is one of our most precious resources: our location

The February lecture is still under construction, we wont know the exact date until after Christmas.


Negotiations are underway to return to LLanbedr for an expedition during to week 23rd to 30th March. This is an opportunity to fly over Snowdonia from an enormous airfield. If you are interested in bringing a glider along, or flying in a club 2 seater please email to express an interest. I will get back to interested parties once we have an idea how many people want to go and how much Llanbedr will charge us.
