Chair’s Thursday Blog

03 Nov 2016

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and give you highlights of the last week.

Last week:

Juniors’ Half Term Course – feedback

The week began with the dreaded easterlies and so there was no flying on Monday and little on Tuesday. All change on Wednesday and Thursday with the wind from the west.  After autumnal mists cleared in the morning, ridge and wave were on offer with some thermals.  The skies never opened up completely, and so wave hunters had to proceed with caution.  The mists never cleared on Friday to allow any flying, and so most wisely decided to head for home.

There were around a dozen juniors including a keen contingent from the Devon and Somerset Gliding Club with two fourteen year olds who had recently gone solo at North Hill.  We had new member Holly, who had her first lessons in two long soaring flights and showed great promise. Barnaby from Newtown ATC was on a day’s course and will surely be back for more. Existing members Harry and Jared made good progress.  Regular visitor Kristoff from Essex joined us and, after some well flown ridge running as part of his check flight, flew for over four hours in the Discus.  He was hoping to gain his five hour duration flight, but daylight was running out.

A most enjoyable course.  Let’s hope we have set a precedent for future half term holidays.

Caravan shifting and rubbish success

Thanks to the efforts of Guy and Denise we have found someone who will take some of our scrap caravans and rubbish for us.   This is taking a lot of work and I know that we all want the club to look good,  its good for us and for visitors.

Weekend outlook:

Your team this weekend is: Neal Clements, Matthew Cook, Mike Greenwood, Peter Orchard, Laurant Couval, John Oreilly.  The weather looks to be cold but very flyable.

Forthcoming events:

Winter Flying schedule

We are now on the winter schedule,  the club will operate on Thursdays through to Sunday with the office running from Friday to Monday.   Dave and Rob will be blogging separately if there looks to be exceptional weather outside of those days and we can get a winch team.   If you are a relatively new member or even experienced one then I recommend the winter flying.  It may be short but it can be tremendous and this is one of the significant benefits of our site.  Whilst others languish looking at an unusable soaked airfield we are soaring for hours at a time in ridge and wave.

Bonfire night  November the 5th

Coming up very soon. Please can you phone the kitchen and tell them you are coming so they can plan the food..  This is always a fantastic evening but this year it is going to be spectacular.   The weather looks good and you won’t be cold, have you seen the size of the bonfire!

Christmas dinner

Please don’t forget to put December the 10th into your diary for this wonderful evening.  The kitchen is taking reservations now and the list is filling up.  Please call and make your reservation as soon as possible.  We will be running a fund raising event, the social fund is now at the point where we can invest in something substantial to improve our social facilities.  So far we have 2 suggestions:  a permanent barbeque, re furbish the bar.  Please would you let me know if you would like something else.  The only proviso is that it must be for the social benefit of members.   We will make a decision on November the 5th so please let me know beforehand if you have a preference.  Time is running out so please let me have your emails.

Winter lectures

We now have 4 booked during February and March. We have Pete Harvey the BGA chair, Hugh Browning the driving force on the safety initiatives, Mike Groves of Skylaunch and the National Trust.  We still need more ideas.  These talks help keep the club active during the Winter and are very entertaining as well as being informative.  Please let me have any ideas you have at the email below.

