Chair’s Thursday Blog

23 Mar 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

Last week:

Web cams

We now have an Easterly facing camera , thanks to Richard Bennet. This gives us a comprehensive coverage of the surrounding field and sky.

New members

Welcome to Dr Ray Lewis who joined and immediately attended the Aim Higher course showing how important the cross country aspect of our sport is to all.

Aim higher course

We were privileged to run the above last weekend.  An incredibly motivating,  educational and thought provoking two days.  Everyone who attended (see photo) was completely bowled over by the quality of the information and the superb presentation style.  The club owes a huge debt of thanks to Kevin Atkinson and we really will try to continue the push to encourage cross country.


Llanbedr Expedition

The weather hasn’t been too kind but if you look at the postings on facebook even a ridge day appears to offer phenomenal soaring!  Easterlies forecast for the rest of the week so hopefully they will get superb wave as well.

Member survey

Please can I remind you about this and encourage you to complete it, we are already seeing some extremely useful feedback and this will help to make your club even better.  (Plus free winch launches if you win the draw!!!).  The link below will take you to it.

Weekend outlook: 

Your team this weekend is Alasdair Lewis, Mark Sanders, Nigel Lassetter, Mike Witton, Peter Orchard, Charles Page, Mark Wakem

Forthcoming events:

Summer is here

The club goes full time on the 20th of March.  The office is open (except Wednesdays)  and ready to accept your bookings.  We have the fleet ready, the MT is ready all we need now is weather and pilots!

Juniors over Easter

The Club will be running a course for junior members over the Easter holidays from 10 to 13 April with a dedicated instructor and glider.  Junior members may attend for just one day or more. Any members interested should book a place through the office


This coming meeting is an important one,  the AGM itself will be reasonably short and tight but the strategy session afterwards will help set the tone of the club for a long time in the future.  In addition can I ask you to consider coming on the committee.  The current committee is working extremely well and this is exactly the time to add to its quality.  The role isn’t onerous but it is important and rewarding.

8 April 17:00.  Please put this into your diary.  We intend a slightly different format this year with the AGM, followed by presentations on the options for going forward.  We have had a couple of good years but we face stormy times ahead.  We must strengthen our position now while we can and your input and feedback are essential.  At the February committee meeting we agreed our 3 main goals and will be publishing them before the meeting so once the formal part of the meeting is over you can contribute to the discussion regarding the priorities of the club over the next few years.

MGC Cross Country Refresher Week – for ALL aspiring or active cross country pilots!

This week runs from 17th – 21st April 2017

This is a great week for aspiring and early (and experienced) cross-country pilots with a structured training opportunity to refresh their cross country skills prior to the main period of the cross country flying season. Expect to hone your abilities in the following areas:

  • All aspects of ground school you will need
  • Motorglider training for field landing / navigation practice
  • Aerotow training & revalidation will be available if required
  • Advanced handling techniques
  • Cross-country tasks will be set, planned, flown and debriefed (in your own glider, or as P2 in a club glider/Duo Discus.
  • Dedicated days/slots, instructors, and aircraft available

If you are interested in, or intrigued by the thought of, flying what seem like unimaginable distances in an aircraft that has no apparent means of propulsion, then this is for you! You can find out more by clicking here for the poster or here for full details of how the week will work.f

June the 3rd 4th and 5th. Aim Higher practical

I am absolutely delighted to tell you that Kevin has agreed to provide a “practical” aim higher course on the above dates.  This means we get the best of both worlds, the theory then followed by the practical after we have all had a chance to practice.  We are really privileged to be able to offer this combination this year so get your bookings in to the office as soon as you can.   We are already getting applications and I think this will be a popular one.

Summer celebration

Mac is organising the “longest day, open day” recruitment drive on the 24th of June.  In addition we want to increase the activity and the interest for members.  Years ago we used to run a “dawn to dusk” day and we are going to combine the two.  It is fantastic fun, we run in shifts and do “shedloads” of launches (or words to that effect).   Please drop me an email at the address below if you would like to help out for a shift, everyone is welcome and I guarantee you will have a great day.
