Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and give you highlights of the last week.
Last week:
The Wenlock Olympian had a wet start but things improved and the rest of the week looks better. There was an excellent talk on the history of the Wenlock Olympian Games and the Olympics (the two are connected). Please can I remind everyone to order or get your tickets for this Saturday’s Hog roast.
Tony Adams celebrated his 90th birthday with us on Saturday and what a fabulous day it was with Tony flying in Gerry’s Gyro as a present from the members.
Weekend outlook:
This weekend is the last of the Wenlock Olympian and looks to be a bit mixed but just might turn out to be post frontal, fingers crossed. Don’t forget we are still doing club flying.
Forthcoming events:
Building and caravan park
The access road into the caravan park is stoned and gated. There is just snagging left on the outside of the building and the fitting out is going well.
Task week
Please put the week beginning the 20th of August in your diary. Task week is a fabulous opportunity to go cross country with guaranteed retrieves, huge landable fields and tasks set for all abilities. There are always 2 seaters available as well so whatever your level, make a note and come along for all or part of it. If you would like to do a task in a two seater would you please let the office know and we can start lining up suitable instructors.
Neal Clements