Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
This week: Has been a club week, with members doing lots of spinning, checks and other good stuff. We also owe a massive thanks to Helen & others, who have been tidying up around the clubhouse, so that we look our best both for all our current members to enjoy & also for potential members visiting us on 24th June. If you’re at the club & see some mess lying around, do feel free to clean it, paint it, or help it to the nearest skip!! 😉
Access road
All being well, the first section of repairs will be carried out between Friday 9th and Sunday 11th June. This first phase is a trial of the repair methods and will involve resurfacing the particularly badly pot-holed section of road around the two bends to the East of the hangar. Please can all those members who have volunteered to help please confirm (a quick e-mail to the office should suffice) to let Tim Mason know if you are available during those dates? Tim will publish more detailed information during next week.
Going Cross-country?
Land-out packs are now available in the office. Please pick one up before you head off. If you are lucky enough to land in a field however far away, we encourage you to give the pack to your friendly farmer. It contains an invitation card they can send us, so that we can invite them to the Farmers’ Thank You supper, which will be held on 23rd Sept. (No need to buy a pack – just collect one from the office & you only pay for their meal if they turn up to the supper!).
This Weekend:
We have the Aim Higher course running so, even if you’re not on it, this is a great opportunity to come along and learn something new. Your team this weekend is: Clive Crocker, Matthew Cook, Simon Adlard, Charles Carter, Pete Orchard, Dave Cole & Laurent Couval. The weather hasn’t quite decided if it’s going to be pleasant or wonderful so bring your shorts, T shirts, sun cream & a light shower-proof coat.
Forthcoming events:
3rd – 5th June – Aim Higher practical course
If you haven’t booked on this yet then please contact the office. Its pretty full but if you want to use your own aircraft then there should be space. Also Mark has arranged for some Duo s to be available so there will be seats in those.
Sat 24th June – Recruitment drive
We must get new members for the club to thrive, and this day is a vital part of that strategy. Neal Clements will be number 1 for the day, we will have a briefing the night before if you are around and also at 08:30 in the morning. Please can I ask you to volunteer, Mac has done a fabulous job in getting volunteers but we need more, especially at the welcome point. You only have to do an hour, no more, please email or call the office and we will add you to the rota. Also, if you know of anyone who may wish to come along, do encourage them to come & preferably to book their flight slot in advance with the office.
8th – 15th July – MGC Wood Week
Roger is leading this year’s Wood Week, which is an opportunity for all gliders particularly those of the wooden variety to get together, admire their beautiful aircraft, and to take part in various “Enterprise” type tasks, either cross-country, height gain, or other fun things like spot landing competitions. It’s always a colourful event, so would encourage you to come along. Equally, if you know of anyone from other clubs who may like to join us, then please let me know & I can email you the poster or further details which you can pass on marketing@midlandgliding.club.
19th-27th August – MGC Task Week (party on 27th)
If you’re planning on coming, please book in ASAP so that we can start to know numbers. And if you know of people who may wish to join us, please do ask for the info/links so that you can share it with them. This year we are going for a different format with tasks being set inside themselves (wait for it). For example a 200k task may contain a 150k, a 100k and a 50k task. This way any aspiring badges eg Silver can be accommodated in the same conditions as the bigger tasks. More details to follow but book the week now, the fields are terrific, the organisation is even better and you will make significant progress with guaranteed retrieves and a lot of fun.
23rd Sept – Farmers’ Thank You Supper
See above for info. A great opportunity to thank your farmer, showcase the club & build our reputation as generally friendly folk, all at the same time!
K23 trailer
Here is the photo we forgot to add last week, of Mark Williams working on the trailer – which is not quite finished yet.