Chair’s Thursday Blog

13 Jul 2017

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Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week.

Shrewsbury School Summer Camp

The School held their gliding camp last week for some of the RAF cadets in the CCF.  Paul Fowler was running the course with help from Dave and Clive, and Helen was providing wholesome nosh up to the usual high standard. There was flying on all five days with most days offering good soaring opportunities in the westerly wind with thermals.   Ben was sent solo and then converted to the K23. Tom, already solo, gained his two Bronze legs and converted to the K8.  The others made good progress and will soon be off on their own.  An excellent and enjoyable week finishing with a BBQ on a warm evening.

MGC Wood Week

A great week led by Roger with wonderful cross countries achieved. 

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday: Neal Clements, David Brown.  Its looking as if I will be lonely on Saturday and there are 3 course members, 3 trial lessons and a check flight to do so if you could give me a hand I would be very grateful.

Sunday: Clive Crocker, Paul Fowler, David Brown and John O’Reilly

Forthcoming events

20th July – Glide Britain

We will be  hosting a filming team for Glide Britain, who are creating a suite of UK-wide marketing materials & resources, which we hope to tap into to broaden our scope & reach for marketing & promotion. A small part of this includes creation of a short film showcasing different elements of gliding found at various clubs throughout the UK. Please do say hi & make them feel welcome. 

19th-27th August – MGC Task Week (party on 27th)

Please make sure you put this into your diaries.  I will be expanding on the detail over the next few weeks so make sure you save the dates.  This year we are going for a different format with tasks being set inside themselves.  For example a 200 k task may contain a 150 , a 100 and a 50k task.  This way any aspiring badges eg Silver can be accommodated in the same conditions as the bigger tasks.  More details to follow but book the week now, the fields are terrific, the organisation is even better and you will make significant progress with guaranteed retrieves and a lot of fun.

23rd Sept – Farmers’ Thank You Supper

See above for info. A great opportunity to thank your farmer, showcase the club & build our reputation as generally friendly folk, all at the same time!
