Chair’s Thursday Blog

03 Aug 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week.


Martin is on holiday this week but is processing emails remotely.  Sue is also helping out so please be patient, replies may take a little longer than usual.

Fire inspection

A great vote of thanks to Mike Greenwood, Liz and Roger and Tim Mason all ably assisted by John O’Reilly who liaised with the Shropshire fire service to give us a positive assessment of our fire precautions.  There were a few things we need to address and these will be done as a matter of urgency and there a few more things we would like to see improved and these will be progressed through the next few months.  On the whole, though it was an extremely positive and useful exercise.

Husbands Bosworth regionals

The Mynd did incredibly well in this.  One day we came first second and third with Julian Fack, Dave d’Arcy and Mike Witton taking the medals.  Our progress in cross country competitions has increased steadily over the years and I would encourage all the up and coming cross country pilots to consider a competition.  Have a go at task week first (see below) and have a taste.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Mark Sanders, Paul Fowler, Guy Hartland, Geoff Dailey, Dave d’Arcy

Sunday:  Mike Witton, Paul Fowler, Nigel Lassetter, Geoff Dailey, Tony Dietrich

Forthcoming events

Simon’s cross country course 

This starts this week,  at last the weather looks like it is going to improve.  The course looks pretty full and hopefully there will be some excellent cross country flying.

Work experience

We are joined by Jack Withinshaw who has a great interest in aviation and is helping out around the club over the next few weeks.  He is also a junior member so please make him feel welcome and take a few moments to explain things.  He is really keen to learn.

19th-27th August – MGC Task Week (party on 27th)

This year we are introducing a new format to encourage less experienced pilots to participate with a real chance of achieving some flying goals.

The new format sees the introduction of “classes” in to Task Week based on pilot’s previous Cross Country experience, as of 1st June 2017.
There are 3 classes: –

Novice : Pilots who have completed the Cross Country Endorsement to their Bronze “C” but have not yet achieved a Sliver “C” distance flight.

Intermediate:      Pilots who have completed a Sliver “C” distance flight but have not yet achieved either a 100Kms Diploma or a 300Kms flight.

Pundits: Pilots who have either achieved either a 100Kms Diploma or 300Kms flight.

NB: –

For those solo pilots without a Cross Country Endorsement, we will endeavour to provide 2 seat Cross Country experiences, so register your name with Martin, who will maintain a list of interested pilots.


The format for the week will be that each (soarable) day we will set separate tasks, tailored to each individual class, in the same task area.

This will enable pilots to not only gain valuable Cross Country experience but also compete against pilots of similar experience.

Each class (provided sufficient entries are received) will be scored separately to find an overall winner at the end of the week.

General Comments:

This new format and class structure should provide some interesting Cross Country flying and taken with the usual benefits of Task Week: –

Weather Briefings

Task Setting

Notam Briefings

Retrieve crews available

Social activities

Very very landable fields.

Will provide an ideal opportunity to have some fun and improve your Cross Country skills.

The entry fee is 25 pounds and will be charged to you flying account upon receipt of a completed entry form.
