Chair’s Thursday Blog

10 Aug 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week:

Cross Country Course

This week has seen a full house on Simon’s cross country gliding course week. As I type, this morning’s weather is looking good & I’ve just been watching 2 of the gliders in a thermal over my house 🙂

General updates:


We now have new signs at the south end to direct walkers, cyclists and horse riders.  The south end runways, Howard’s Way, and the new footpath need to be mowed. Martin is arranging the hire of a suitable tractor and mower and this work will be done as soon as the equipment is available and can be delivered.

Access Road

You may have noticed a small number of potholes which have started to form on the new road surface. This is disappointing as it is only two months since the repair works were carried out and the weather so far has been (relatively) benign. The committee are aware and have this in hand, and are currently considering the options for the long-term solution as per the original plan.


Repairs to roof and guttering have now been carried out and the club house is watertight. A good summer storm should ensure it is thoroughly tested. The glass washer & bottle chiller in the bar were both unfit for duty, so have been replaced.

A project has begun to look at options for replacing the water tank above the clubhouse main room before the end of October.

Your team this weekend is:Saturday:  Simon Adlard, Charles Carter, David Brown, Liz Adlard. (Last day of the cross-country course, so training slots may be at a premium, suggest you get there early)

Sunday:  Chris Alldis, Matthew Cook, Denise Hughes, David Brown, Glyn Macarthur. (We have the cadets joining us once again, however there are currently slots available for check flights & pre-solo training – see for more information & how to book).


Forthcoming events

Course 6

Next week is course number 6 for this year, which I’m delighted to report is fully booked.
Work experienceWe are joined by Jack Withinshaw who has a great interest in aviation and is helping out around the club over the next few weeks.  He is also a junior member so please make him feel welcome and take a few moments to explain things.  He is really keen to learn.

19th-27th August – MGC Task Week

This year we are introducing a new format to encourage less experienced pilots to participate with a real chance of achieving some flying goals. The new format sees the introduction of “classes” in to Task Week based on pilot’s previous Cross Country experience, as of 1st June 2017. There are 3 classes: –

Novice : Pilots who have completed the Cross Country Endorsement to their Bronze “C” but have not yet achieved a Sliver “C” distance flight.

Intermediate:     Pilots who have completed a Sliver “C” distance flight but have not yet achieved either a 100Kms Diploma or a 300Kms flight.

Pundits: Pilots who have either achieved either a 100Kms Diploma or 300Kms flight.

NB: – For those solo pilots without a Cross Country Endorsement, we will endeavour to provide 2 seat Cross Country experiences, so register your name with Martin, who will maintain a list of interested pilots.


The format for the week will be that each (soarable) day we will set separate tasks, tailored to each individual class, in the same task area.

This will enable pilots to not only gain valuable Cross Country experience but also compete against pilots of similar experience.

Each class (provided sufficient entries are received) will be scored separately to find an overall winner at the end of the week.

General Comments:

This new format and class structure should provide some interesting Cross Country flying and will include the usual benefits of Task Week: –

  • Weather Briefings
  • Task Setting
  • Notam Briefings
  • Retrieve crews available
  • Very very landable fields.
  • Will provide an ideal opportunity to have some fun and improve your Cross Country skills.
  • Social activities (There is an opportunity for an informal party on 27th, probably some guitar playing, but nothing particular planned – so bring yourself & some good cheer).

The entry fee is 25 pounds and will be charged to your flying account upon receipt of a completed entry form.

Sat 25th November – Members’ evening

At the AGM the committee promised to come back to all the members with an update on progress & also more details and worked-up plans for the future of the club, taking into account the results of the survey, ad-hoc feedback, the projected finances etc. This is your opportunity to hear the recommendations & to have input into the future direction of MGC, so please put the date in your diary now.   More details & timings will be shared nearer the time.

