Chair’s Thursday Blog

24 Aug 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.


This week.

Fleet restructuring.

We have had an offer accepted for a K23. The intention is to approve it, get it over here from Germany and this will replace the Discus.  We are confident that this ever popular glider will improve our launches and flying activity.

Fire Inspection

The ramifications of this rumbles on and will continue to do so as we implement their findings.  In the immediate future we have to replace wooden cupboards in corridors with metal ones.  Specifically we need a metal cabinet for the laundry and the cleaning materials.  They are quite expensive so if you have any you could spare then please email me or let the office know.


We are reviewing the current damage to the road and Tim and Howard are coming up with suggestions and solutions that we can afford.  These will require volunteer help with maintenance (all stone roads need maintaining) and it is vital that if you spot anyone going fast on the road you draw the problems it causes to their attention.


We have found 5 of the old mechanical barographs.  Before we offer these for general sale I would like to invite member interest.  Looking on ebay I suspect these might be very collectable items.  Please email your interest directly.

David Ince

Our club , to mis quote Newton, is founded upon the shoulders of giants.  One of those was David Ince.  Below is the text from the notification from Bob Neill (another giant in my opinion).

“David Ince  died earlier this month aged 94 , He was CFI 1949/52 and taught me(together with Theo Testar and John Hickling) to fly……and of course many others of the post war generation.

His funeral is at St Mary’s church ,EASTON Near Winchester . Post code is SO21 1EH.

I will be there and would be glad to represent the MGC (only if this would be appropriate ) in case no one else from the club is going to be there.”

Task Week

If you would like to join in the end of task week celebrations please call the office or the kitchen and let them know what you would like.

We have had some requests to post the results on the web,  unfortunately we don’t have the facility to do that this year but we will take it forward for next year.  In the meantime here is my heavily biased report on yesterday.

The club class was Mynd South/Rodneys Piller/Bishops Castle/Mynd .  David Brown won it by getting round and Nigel and Holly came second with a field landing in the K21. 

The open class was Mynd/Worcester racecourse/Welshpool/Bishops Castle/Mynd.  Mark Sanders got round with reasonable ease and good speed.  Myself and Richard Bennett crawled round in an incredibly slow speed to come second.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Come and help and fly club gliders that are available

Sunday:  Come and help and fly club gliders that are available


