Chair’s Thursday Blog

31 Aug 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week.

MGC Task Week

At last the curse of task week has been lifted!!  We had 5 competition days and some wonderful cross countries by pilots relatively new to the sport.  Steve Ward and Dave Brown both did magnificently.  The Duo Discuses, Twin Astir (flown by Guy) and the K21 (flown by Nigel) took pilots who do not regularly fly cross country and the organisation by Dave Crowson (weather), John Parry (scorer), Hazel Turner (control) and Steve Male (Director) was superb.   Have a look at for the results on facebook.  This reinforces my  opinion that if you want to improve the performance of your aircraft then change the pilot!

New solo

Congratulations to Holly for going solo.  Interestingly she can fly an aircraft but is not old enough to drive a car.   Holly has put a lot of effort into this and is always an inspiration on the airfield offering help wherever it is needed.

Vitaras are now on gas

Julian has done a huge amount of work on the above and both are now running on gas.

K23 from Germany

We have had the offer on the K23 accepted and a team are on their way to confirm it is in good condition and bring it back.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Steve Male, Walter Baumann, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey, Laurent Couval.

Sunday:  Neal Clements (standing in for Mark), Matthew Cook, Denise Hughes, Dave d’Arcy

I have hopes for Saturday, it looks like a building ridge of high pressure with light winds. 

Forthcoming events

Winter talks

We always like to have an event each month in the Winter to keep up our interest in flying and general aviation related activities.  Denise is finalising the schedule but it is full already.  The first one will be the 21st of October and the deputy watch manager from Birmingham’s Air traffic will be coming along to fly, talk and have a meal with us.  I cannot over emphasise the importance of us understanding Air traffic’s needs and using every opportunity to communicate ours to them.  Please put this date in your diary.

Members evening.

I promised the above at the AGM  and the date will be the 25th of November.  Please reserve in your diary.  The committee will present their views on the nature and direction of the club over the next few years and invite you to contribute to it at that meeting.  Please also ensure you tell any committee member you can find of your views at any time beforehand.
