Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
This week.
Last Saturday
Mark Sanders brilliantly predicted a great day and 15 people headed off for some fantastic cross country flying. This really is a tribute to the hard work Mark and the coaches have put in this year. More to come next season!!
We also had a silver distance and a duration (well done Tim and Vincent)
K23 from Germany
I have been asked to remind everyone of the club fleet strategy as outlined by the CFI at the AGM so the K23 purchase can be seen in context. In summary :- we will train pilots up to syndication and we will replace the “unpopular” gliders with ones that will be flown more. The K23 is on its way from Germany and now we will start the process of selling the Discus. Walter Baumann is already gathering interest from members about forming a syndicate so if you are interested then please contact Walter directly at walter.baumann@virgin.net
As we come to the end of the season we mustn’t forget how well we have done in aeorobatics this year. Matthew Cooke won the Dan Smith trophy and Harry Entwhistle came second in a class at the National championship.
Access road
Many thanks to Simon Adlard and others who made the effort to fill many of the potholes which have developed again in the access road.
We know that if we want to keep the road serviceable through the winter and beyond, it will need regular maintenance and repairs. We are planning to schedule regular “road repair days” over the coming months and will be looking for volunteers to help out. Howard Bradley has agreed to provide the leadership so if you are prepared to give up a little of your time to assist in this important work, please let us know.
We must all do whatever we can to avoid causing damage to the surface. This means driving slowly and very carefully. Expect to be challenged if you are seen driving too fast and please remind others how important it is.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Neal Clements, Paul Fowler, Allan Reynolds, Simon Adlard
Sunday: Mike Witton, Nigel Lassetter, Phil Foster
The ATC will not be coming this weekend.
Forthcoming events
Winter talks
Denise has worked out a superb schedule for this winter’s lectures. :-
The first one will be the 21st of October and the deputy watch manager from Birmingham’s Air traffic will be coming along to fly, talk and have a meal with us. I cannot over emphasise the importance of us understanding Air traffic’s needs and using every opportunity to communicate ours to them.
November 25 will be the members evening when the committee will present our strategy for the next 5 years and invite your input and approval.
January 13 – to be announced
February 10 – to be announced
March 10 – Hugh Browning the BGA safety wizard.