Chair’s Thursday Blog

21 Sep 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future. Apologies for last week, my delegation skills failed me.

This week.

K23 from Germany

As you are all aware Guy and the rest of the team did a successful retrieve from Wolfsburg. Simon has worked  on the panel.  The “old” registration markings have been removed and we’re waiting on new vinyls (Simon has reserved us a reg with the CAA &BGA).  The next step is to get the panel finished so that Simon can compile the “Equipment List” required by the CAA as part of the registration process. Then Roger can ARC it and once all that is done Roger can send all the docs to the CAA. Once the CAA confirm the aircraft is registered we can use it.


In the meantime we are anxious to get the Discus ready for sale so it will be mothballed.

The Disco is no more

For a long time now we have had various vehicles abandoned at the club,  at last we have made progress and removed some.  In order for us to be welcoming and attractive to potential members and visitors we really do need to give a good first impression and we are continuing to dispose of unwanted stuff left with us.


Chris Harris has commissioned the refurbishing of parachute 9.  We will  re-use the old parachute with a new harness/pack assembly which will completely renew the visual appearance and provide a brand new harness and attachment clips. The invoice will be  £900 including VAT plus £25 postage for a complete new pack assembly embroidered with MGC and chute number and including a new bag. In addition we will have to pay £50  to transfer the old canopy to the new pack ready for use.  So, in total a refurbish costs £1000.   Please remember when you are handling or storing a parachute that each one is worth over a £1000,  they are not cheap bits of kit.


New marketing approach – we are developing an approach to marketing the Club starting from first principles and using this to identify our target market, the message and way we approach them, and the products and packages we create and offer to them. As part of this approach, we are concentrating much more on attracting New Members (rather than simply Trial Lessons), and are focusing much more on meeting people face to face, giving them a really good and lengthy introduction to gliding and the club, then having a clear structure of products that we can offer them. You will be hearing much more about this as time goes on, however the first event we will be attending will be a festival in Shrewsbury in early October.


Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Clive Crocker, Nigel Lassetter, Matthew Cook and Peter Orchard

Sunday:  Guy Hartland, Nigel Lassetter, Denise Hughes, Peter Orchard and Mark Wakem

Forthcoming events

Classic car tour

On the 7th of October we will once again welcome the classic car rally.  They will arrive, have a cup of tea, relax and then head off again.  They are a stunning sight and we welcome them every year.  Iin return they take our leaflets and distribute them far and wide for us to aid recruitment.

Winter talks

Denise has worked out a superb schedule for this winter’s lectures. :-

The first one will be the 21st of October and the deputy watch manager from Birmingham’s Air traffic will be coming along to fly, talk and have a meal with us.  I cannot over emphasise the importance of us understanding Air traffic’s needs and using every opportunity to communicate ours to them.   As an extremely generous gesture she has offered to reciprocate.  So turn up to the talk and put your name down for a visit to Birmingham ATC.  I have been before, twice, and I can thoroughly recommend it, they really do make you feel welcome and at last you can see what the Balls on the Clee do!  

November 25 will be the members evening when the committee will present our strategy for the next 5 years and invite your input and approval.

January 13 – National Trust

February 10 – We are hoping to get Julian Fack to talk and bring one of his amazing trials cars with him.

March 10 – Hugh Browning the BGA safety wizard.

Christmas dinner

This will be on the 9th of December.  I do urge you to get your name down early, there were several very disappointed people last year as the numbers have to be limited.
