Chair’s Thursday Blog

28 Sep 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week.

Shrewsbury school summer camp

Below is an extract from their web site re the camp they held at the Mynd:-

“On the first day of the summer holiday, five cadets from the CCF RAF Section gathered with Mr Wray and instructor Paul Fowler for the annual Gliding Camp.

The camp is a fantastic opportunity to maximise the effectiveness of flying training on account of having five full and consecutive days staying at the Club, with much better weather expected than Thursday afternoons throughout the rest of the year. The weather this year did not disappoint, which meant that each cadet was able to have an average of five hours of flying time, so they all made great progress.

Huge thanks must go to the volunteers at the Club who care for us so thoroughly each year, and to Paul for his continued tutelage.”

You can read the whole article at

Well done Paul.

Access Road

Please remember to let us know if you will be able help out with the road repairs over the coming months. There is a list on the notice board in the clubhouse so please put your name on it and say whether you can be available during the week, at weekends or both.

Please also remember to drive slowly and carefully to avoid causing any unnecessary damage to the road surface.


Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:  Alasdair Lewis, Walter Baumann, Geoff Dailey, Charles Page

Sunday:  Steve Male, Matthew Cook, Geoff Dailey, William Brewis

Forthcoming events

Classic car tour

On the 7th of October we will once again welcome the classic car rally.  They will arrive, have a cup of tea, relax and then head off again.  They are a stunning sight and we welcome them every year.  Iin return they take our leaflets and distribute them far and wide for us to aid recruitment.

Winter talks

Denise has worked out a superb schedule for this winter’s lectures. :-

Air traffic control are coming

The first one will be the 21st of October and the deputy watch manager from Birmingham’s Air traffic will be coming along to fly, talk and have a meal with us.  I cannot over emphasise the importance of us understanding Air traffic’s needs and using every opportunity to communicate ours to them.   As an extremely generous gesture she has offered to reciprocate.  So turn up to the talk and put your name down for a visit to Birmingham ATC.  I have been before, twice, and I can thoroughly recommend it, they really do make you feel welcome and at last you can see what the Balls on the Clee do!  

November 25 will be the members evening when the committee will present our strategy for the next 5 years and invite your input and approval.

January 13 – National Trust.  All of your questions answered (who does own the horses?) and the trust’s plans for the future development of the Mynd.

February (date to be confirmed) – Julian has very kindly offered to talk about Euro Glide with us.  More details closer to the time but I can assure you it is absolutely brilliant and will inspire you.

March 10 – Hugh Browning the BGA safety wizard.

Christmas dinner

This will be on the 9th of December.  I do urge you to get your name down early, there were several very disappointed people last year as the numbers have to be limited.
