Chair’s Thursday Blog

11 Aug 2016

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Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and give you highlights of the last week.

New member

Ed Jones has joined us, many of you will know Ed as an outstanding winch driver and it is with great delight that we can welcome him as a member.


Last week:

We had an extremely busy course with a lot of flying.  Congratulations to Lawrence Board on his first solo.  Simon Adlard, fresh back from his victorious day at Hus Bos led his cross country course.

Weekend outlook:

The weekend looks really promising.  We may get a post cold front day on Saturday and a building high pressure on Sunday.  Your instructing team this weekend is  Neal Clements, Matthew Cook, Mike Greenwood and Mike Witton.

Forthcoming events:

Task week – Sat 20th to Mon 29th August

*** PLEASE REGISTER YOUR PLACE NOW*** This will help us plan and make arrangements for you all. Task week is a fabulous opportunity to go cross country with guaranteed retrieves,  huge landable fields and tasks set for all abilities.  This year we are making 2-seaters available as well so, whatever your level if you’d like to fly round the task with an instructor or good cross-country pilot, then please contact the office asap. You don’t have to be there for the whole week, if this isn’t possible for you. If you would like to do a task in a two seater would you please let the office know and we can start lining up suitable instructors.

Please can you submit your pictures for the calendar before or during task week. We will judge the best 12 and go to press straight afterwards.


Llanbedr expedition

In March this year we had a fantastic week in Llanbedr flying in wave over Snowdonia. London Gliding Club went to Llanbedr last year for 3 weeks and flew every day. This year they are also there for 3 weeks, and have some spare capacity in their last week, 18th to 24th September. I have negotiated with Dunstable to take 494 to Llanbedr on that week, there are 2 other places available. If there is sufficient interest we can take the K21 again on the same basis that we did in March, that this depends on there being sufficient 2 seaters at the Mynd that we do not reduce the operation there. If you would like to go to Llanbedr during that week with the K21 please email me at  so that we can see if we have enough capacity to be able to arrange it. Ypu can come for part or all of the week.You need to do this straight away as we have to book the places and pay a deposit in the next few days, and we have to pay costs in advance this year, which will be £10 per day plus a share of the aircraft costs.

Neal Clements


