Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
This week.
K13 refurbishment
Below is the impressive refurbishment work that Roger/Simon have organised and done on the K13 wings and fuselage. During 2018 we will have 2 very good condition work-horses.
Calling all Juniors.
The Air League Scholarships are closing on the 26th January and if you apply now you stand a very good chance of getting one, very worthwhile. Look at the link below
Lots of Flying days to come
Following my blog a couple of weeks ago, we now have a new MGC Whatsapp group set up thanks to Rob Shepherd.
The idea is that it will be another way for us to let you know quickly about flying prospects coming up in the very near future, and for you to find out prospects the night before you set out. This is in addition to & will complement the blog. We anticipate that the No 1 may use it the night before (and even from first light on the day maybe!), to say perhaps, “brilliant/busy day, come early”; “low cloud base to begin with, hangar doors will open at …”, “rain predicted all day, don’t bother”, so that (time-poor) members and the duty team may make the best use of their day. If, for you, the Mynd is as much a social club as a flying club (and there are many), then this will probably be of little interest, but as it develops we hope that this may be a useful service for members juggling many demands on their time, to help ensure that their visits to the club are as productive as possible.
If members of our flying community would like to join, obviously you need to have WhatsApp installed on your mobile phone.
For us to add you to the group you need to be in one of the Administrators’ contact lists, so please text “MGC Group request” plus your first and last name (and membership number if known …don’t worry if you don’t know it just say so!) to Rob Shepherd on 07709352826 or to Sarah Platt on 07754070357.
Rob or Sarah will store the contact and add you to the group. By requesting access, you give your consent for MGC to use your name & mobile data for this purpose only. You may withdraw your consent at any time by removing yourself from the group, and also by requesting Rob/myself to remove you from the list of contacts.
All group members should create a (recognisable) photo of themselves in the WhatsApp Settings, together with their name in the About field (where it probably says “I’m using WhatsApp”), so that we can all associate names and faces with the telephone numbers. Also in Settings>Account>Privacy, make sure “Profile Photo” and “About” are set to “Everyone”.
We are also considering setting up other secure Whatsapp groups, for example for Instructors and for Winch Drivers and so on. If these are of interest, please let me know so that we can liaise with CFI & Chair, & if there’s sufficient interest then we will set this up too.
Mark Sanders (XC Lead) and Sarah Platt (Marketing & Membership)
Web site
A reminder: all web sites decay in terms of the relevance and currency of their content and ours is no different. If you spot anything that needs refreshing, is out of date or incorrect would you be kind enough to email Sarah marketing@midlandgliding.club or myself with the detail. We intend to refresh the site in January. Thanks to those who have let me know already and I would encourage you to offer more. The web site is crucial to our membership plans.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Neal Clements, Denise Hughes, Peter Orchard, Jon Hall
Sunday: Chris Alldis, Nigel Lassetter, Peter Orchard, Laurent Couval.
Forthcoming events
Christmas dinner and presentation evening
We have rescheduled the above to the 24th of March, please put it in your diaries and pray for a snow free weekend! If you have already booked and are unable to make the date above then please can you let the kitchen know as we have a waiting list.
Winter talks
Denise has worked out a superb schedule for this winter’s lectures. They all start at 18:00 and if we have a speaker then we do ask for a small donation on the night to cover their expenses. Book the date, have a few flights, enjoy the talk then have a superb evening meal.
January 13 This Saturday – National Trust. All of your questions answered (who does own the horses?) and the trust’s plans for the future development of the Mynd.
February 24 – We are having to reschedule the talk on Euroglide, I will blog more information as it becomes available.
March 10 – Hugh Browning the BGA safety wizard. Please ensure that this is in your diary. For those of you who haven’t heard Hugh speak before it is essential listening and for those that have heard him before, even more so. This is the perfect start to our season, we want to keep safe and Hugh’s analysis and insight will help us do that.
March Expedition 2018.
We have not had enough interest from the Mynd or other clubs to make an expedition to Llanbedr viable, so we have decided that we are not going to Llanbedr next year. We have booked LLeweni Park in Denbigh from 10th March 2018 for a week for up to 12 gliders.
If you want to go you need to book in your own glider, there is a £40 deposit, £20 of which is offset against flying fees. It costs £8 per day per person, £9 per night for hangarage. There is a winch.
Unlike Llanbedr it has one narrow runway and you have to be able to land on it and roll to the end to be able to fly there, see this link.
If you want to fly P2 in a club 2 seater please email me at mail@mikegreenwood.co.uk to put your name on the list and I will do my best to arrange it.
You can take a caravan and stay on the airfield for £5 per night. It costs £8 per day per person, £9 a night hangarage (limited) They have a winch.
If you want to go you can book yourself in at office@denbighgliding.co.uk
Spaces are limited to 12 and Cosford are also going, so don’t delay, do it today.
Please email mail@mikegreenwood.co.uk to let me know you are going, and when you have booked in
Mike G