Chair’s Thursday Blog

01 Sep 2016

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and give you highlights of the last week and tell you the results of last week’s committee meeting.

New Members

Welcome back to Jan Outhwaite, currently as social member and Tim Brunskill who has joined as a full member.

Last week:

“August is the cruelest month”, this famous start to a poem sums up the weather in task week followed by a glorious week of weather.  Never mind, next year will be brilliant.

Weekend outlook:

Saturday looks a bit uncertain,it depends on the arrival of the fronts.  Lasham are with us and your duty team is Steve Foster, Mark Sanders, Charles Carter, Tony Dietrich, Charles Page and Ed Jones on the winch.   There will be a full weather briefing, first thing on both days so turn up early if you can.

Forthcoming events:


Please can you send your pictures to the office to be considered for publication in the prestigious club calendar.


These 2 weekend courses are to replace the week course we had to postpone earlier in the year.

Steve Male  is planning to run them (with Dave Crowson) on 17th18th September and 24th/25th September (K21 serviceability permitting).   Please check availability with the office,  if they are full then you can be added to the reserve list.

Web site events

Steve Foster has very kindly agreed to maintain the events section of the web site and we will be launching the events calendar very soon.  If you are the owner of an event then Steve will be approaching you for a few choice words to put into the calendar.

Access Road

Unfortunately we were not successful in gaining the grant for the road.  We will be looking at the cost of laying tarmac across the rest of the road against the other requirements in the budget.  In the meantime we would like to explore a less permananent solution, i.e planings on the worst affected parts.  If you have knowledge or experience of planings would you be kind enough to contact me on the email address below

Vintage tractor fest

On the 4th of September 40 vintage tractors will ascend upon the club for a cup of tea.  This is a great chance for us to distribute leaflets and tell the farmers about our operation and make friends with them.

First aid course

On the 7th of September we are offering a first aid course.  This will be run by Mark Rogers a current paramedic and will be £30 a person, for a full course.  Each person will be issued with a certificate which is valid for 3 years and the course lasts a day.  If you are interested in obtaining this certificate then please contact Sian Leavesley  at to book a place.  We only very occasionally get an opportunity to host beneficial courses like this and places are limited.

Amy Johnson

I have had an offer from an old member, the summary part goes like this “It may come as a surprise to yourself (I hope it does, for it certainly would to Toby Neal) to know that there is someone still alive who met Ms Johnson at your club. This meeting is documented with a signed photograph of their meeting! The gentleman in question is now in failing health. It occurs to me that members of your club may at this late opportunity, like to meet this link with the past.”   If you would like to meet this gentleman then please contact me and I will furnish the remaining information.

Neal Clements

