Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
Jaca expedition
The weather has been poor by Jaca standards, flying every day for over 6 hours, wave flights at FL195 and yesterday a nice trip out of the valley towards the East of the Pyrenees, today another 5 hour flight in convergence. The locals insist the weather is rubbish!
Your team this weeekend is
Saturday: Guy Hartland, Matthew Cooke, David Brown and William Brewis
Sunday: Mike Witton, Alan Swan, Geoff Dailey, Glyn MacArthur
Forthcoming events
Midsummer recruitment event 30 June
Last year we ran an open day and combined it with a “longest day”. This year we are going for a more targeted event. The marketing team will be publishing the method and the purpose shortly but in the meantime can I please ask instructors, launch directors and winch drivers who would be willing to help me on that day to get in touch with me directly. Our aim is to be able to fly people all of the day so we will need instructing and winch cover. We won’t be doing a dawn or dusk flight so you don’t have to worry about having to get up too early!
Wood week July 7 -14
Prepare your glider for 5kt winds, 5 000 ft cloudbase or just a week of gentle westerlys. Steve Male is helping run the week so let the office know now that you want to take part.
Task week August 18 – 27
Please ensure this is also in your diary, we have better weather last year and I am confident this trend will continue into this year. The CFI will be announcing more details of the structure but I can guarantee that if you are early cross country then this is the week for you.