Chair’s Thursday Blog

07 Jun 2018

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday:   Neal Clements, Charles Carter, Peter Orchard, Jon Hall

Sunday:  Mark Sanders, Peter Orchard, Mike Dodwell

Forthcoming events

Access Road

We will be carrying out repairs to the main access road over the weekend of 16th/17th June i.e. filling potholes and restoring the road surface.

Machinery to move the stone and compact it will only be on site on Saturday and Sunday so it’s important that we make as much progress as possible during these two days.

A small team of volunteers will be required to get the job done so if you are prepared to give up a little of your time – even just an hour or two – on either day, your help will be greatly appreciated.  Please can you email Tim Mason or the office if you can help.

Midsummer recruitment event.

We are putting this on hold this year, thanks to everyone who volunteered to help out, we really do appreciate the willingness of people to volunteer.

Wood week July 7 -14

Prepare your glider for 5kt winds,  5 000 ft cloudbase or just a week of gentle westerlys.  Simon Adlard has very kindly agreed to run the week. So please call or email the office with your interest.

Task week August 18 – 27

Please ensure this is also in your diary,  we have better weather last year and I am confident this trend will continue into this year.  The CFI will be announcing more details of the structure but I can guarantee that if you are early cross country then this is the week for you.
