Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.
This week
Wood Week
Kind weather, enthusiasm and superb catering all meant that the wooden guys had a wonderful time with some doing cross country flights on an almost daily basis. Chris Raine was also incredibly generous in giving flights in the Capstan
New members
We welcome back an “old” friend Roger Reeves. Roger used to be tug master for us in the days of the Pawnee and has now returned to the purer side of flying. We also welcome Iain Thomson, Martin Howitt and Jo Turnbull.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Mike Witton, Charles Carter, Stephen Alexander
Sunday: Simon Adlard, Stephen Alexander, Liz Adlard
Forthcoming events
Simons xc soaring course week (6th to 10 Aug)
BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW! (Limited places) This popular course includes daily weather & cross country briefings, and is run in a Lead and Follow style. Suitable for all levels even those who have not flown cross country before.
If it’s suitable for cross country, Simon will set a task for a lead and follow, designed to stretch you in a comfortable environment.
If it’s not suitable for cross country, then appropriate ground / air trainings will be offered to match the attendee’s skills and experience.
Book your place now via the office!
Task week – 18th – 27th August
Book your place NOW – please call or email the office asap.
Task Week is designed to encourage ALL pilots to fly Cross Country Tasks. As such, it is an inclusive activity, a bit of friendly competition – not an occasion for the club pundits to whizz round and take all the points! It is the culmination of the year’s Cross Country Development Programme and introduces an element of competition prior to pilots flying either Rockpolishers or Regional competitions. It is open to any pilot holding a Bronze “C” with a Cross Country Endorsement.
We will also have 2 seat gliders participating, to give ALL pilots the opportunity to experience cross country flying, even if you are not yet solo, or don’t yet have your Cross Country Endorsement. This is an excellent training opportunity to fly with some top class cross country pilots in top class gliders. Please book your place ASAP by calling or emailing the office.
The event is split in to 3 classes so that pilots compete against other pilots of similar skill and experience level. This year we are introducing a new scoring system to try to even things out between the classes and to avoid the skewed results from a single fast flight on a long task.
Please book the week off, ensure this is in your diary, and lets look forward to some wonderful weather. It will help you develop our skills no matter what standard you are at. More info here.
A friendly reminder & request:
Whether you want to do some pre-solo training, your annual check, or something else specific, it always pays to pre-book via the office or online via the email shown here http://www.midlandgliding.club/club-duty-rota/
We strongly encourage pre-booking so that:
- A) you get what you need on the day
- B) we can plan to have sufficient instructors to cater for the day’s demand
- C) it avoids those who have taken time time to pre-book getting over-run and missing out to people who turning up on the day expecting a flight
- D) it avoids the possibility of you turning up on the day expecting to fly and perhaps leaving in the evening disappointed.
- E) you can see availability on the website and plan your visits accordingly – here’s the link http://www.midlandgliding.club/club-duty-rota/
Happy soaring!