Chair’s Thursday Blog and Results of committee meeting on the 9th of September

15 Sep 2016

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog and Results of committee meeting on the 9th of September

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future and give you highlights of the last week and tell you the results of last week’s committee meeting.

New Members

Welcome to Karl Webster who has joined us as a new full flying member.   Please remember to show all new members the ropes, especially introduce them to the Launch Director at the weekends and make sure they get on the flying list straight away.

Last week:

The first aid course was a great success, many members found it useful and the club gains by having trained first aiders.


Glyn McArthur has volunteered to own our “open/marketing” day in June,  similar to the longest day we used to hold but targeted on recruitment.  Glyn and Sarah will be inviting instructors and helpers so please if you can, help out.  I find it absolutely fantastic the way that members are so willing to volunteer and help our club.  On a similar note, Jared Forte a new member, as well as performing a perfect landing has volunteered to do the internal photos for our gallery.

Now is the perfect time to be thinking of getting those gifts which will take the strain out of choosing at  the last minute.  There is nothing better than an item of Mynd clothing or the calendar.   Unfortunately the clothing has been so successful that we are running out!   Never mind, the simple solution is to email or call the office, let Martin or Sue know what you would like and we will order some so you won’t be disappointed.

Access Road

Howard Bradley has kindly volunteered to co-ordinate the improvement project.  David Rance and Fiona Argyll have also offered help and Howard will be coordinating.  In the meantime, Steve Alexander and his friend have been filling in the pot holes, 1 ton at a time which is already making a significant difference.

Aim Higher

Kevin Atkinson has agreed to run a ground school Aim Higher course in March.  Kevin is a real expert in both cross country flying and also how to teach cross country flying.  This course will be a weekend and we will be offering it to surrounding clubs as well.  The date will be the 18th and 19th of March so I suggest you book now, (get behind me in the queue).  Kevin gave us a winter lecture this year and is the only speaker to be asked to speak both before and after dinner.

Weekend outlook:

Your team for this weekend is Mark Sanders, Chris Alldis, Paul Fowler, Guy Hartland, Laurent Couval and Tony Dietrich.  Dave Brown is providing the winching.  Once again it looks as if we might be lucky last weekend and be between fronts.

Forthcoming events:

Bonfire night

Coming up very soon, please reserve the 5th of November in your diary.  This is always a fantastic evening but this year it is going to be spectacular.  Several members spent many hours moving trees from the caravan park to the bonfire!

Christmas dinner

Please don’t forget to put December the 10th into your diary for this wonderful evening.  More details will follow but please get the date secured now.


Please can you send your pictures to the office to be considered for publication in the prestigious club calendar.   I shall be judging them this month.


Winter lectures

These will be starting up soon and we would love some suggestions as to who and what you would like talks on this season.  Last season was absolutely superb with one speaker having to speak before and after dinner (see Aim Higher)!!   Denise Hughes is , once again, doing a superb job coordinating this and please give her your ideas or email them directly to me.

Bar owner

After too many years to mention Peter Turner is stepping down from running the bar.  We all owe Peter a great deal of thanks for doing this.  If you would be willing to take this on please drop me an email.  Fundamentally the role involves making sure that the right things are happening and thinking of how the bar can develop.


Results of committee meeting on the 9th of September


The insurance underwriters wanted assurance that the club electrical system had been inspected and passed as satisfactory and that the kitchen duct had been de greased. Both of these are complete and Martin is chasing the certificates.   Neal and Clive have met the broker and await the requote.

Running projects

New MT shed.

Waiting final electrics then the transfer project starts.  We are anxious to get this moving before the Winter as the heater depends on the electrical installation.

Caravan park.

We are waiting the electrics to the building then we can move everyone back.

Access road.

Howard Bradley is organizing with Dave Rance, Fiona Argyll and Hughes the contractor who laid the road next to the MT shed.  Howard believes there is an issue with drainage.  In the meantime Steve Alexander is filling potholes, one ton at a time.

Staff pension scheme.

A Nest scheme being opened, then the staff will be sent a letter.

Land rover replacements.

The Vitara test will be completed when Julian returns.  The Landrovers are to be put into running order and Marc Williams will produce a schedule.

Operational  plan and dashboards

All of the indicators look healthy.  The Membership is slightly above the plan.

Complaints from members during the period:-

Visitors crowding out the catering.

There have been occasions when the dining room was occupied by a majority of non member visitors making it difficult to get food.

3 options were discussed.  1) do nothing.  2) ban all visitors. 3) have a control system for when we are busy.  We will work up option 3 in discussion with all the interested parties.

Visiting clubs booking accommodation.

A member has complained that they could not book accommodation because a visiting club had provisionally block booked all of it.

Resolved:  We will demand a non refundable deposit on bookings from visiting clubs.

To be decided: 1) how far ahead can they book 2) what percentage of the accommodation or fleet can they book.

Visitors to the campsite.

A member has complained that non members are camping and are claiming that this is custom and practice.

Resolved: we will always charge a temporary membership fee in addition to the campsite charge.

to be agreed. Sarah and Neal will propose packages, including camping. They will always have an element of flying within them.


The cash is 8k down compared to last year. This is because of the winch repairs. The Chair and the Treasurer will produce an operational budget for the October meeting then we can decide on the available capital expenditure.


We have monitors on all the circuits except the sockets and the results are starting to make sense. Martin is getting another line meter so that all of the circuits are covered

Credit cards

We have designed a credit card process that is secure and we will implement it in October. From then we will demand that ALL visitors give us their credit card details.



We have introduced a calling system for new members.  All new flying members receive a phone call from the Chair and the CFI. In addition we are creating welcome packs. This year we have attracted 10 new flying members.


Roger is scheduling the ARCs for the club fleet and has asked permission to install a tail wheel on the K13. This reduces the damage caused when it is pushed in and out of the hangar and makes ground handling easier. Approved.


We have a contract with a rodent prevention company and over the past couple of years this has proved to be extremely successful   We will renew it



The current membership system is now causing significant difficulties so we have an evaluation copy of Glidex which Martin is evaluating, if approved we will transfer over.

Health and safety

The safety officer and the Chair have walked the premises and performed the risk assessments. The safety officer is now prioritising them for action. This exercise needs to be completed annually.
