(Posted on behalf of David d’Arcy)
It goes without saying that flying gliders is a sport, I mean they are not taxis where you just sit in the back, start up the engine and watch the world go by, soaring requires a lot of skill and decision making in order to stay airborne and land safely. In this respect a gliding competition tests all these skills and brings definition to our sport, allowing us to fly against each other for the kudos. So it needs mentioning that one of our resident instructors, Robert, achieved a very fine overall 2nd place recently competing in the Shenington Regionals – well done Rob. And this weekend ten of us will be competing in the Husbands Bosworth regionals over in Leicestershire – good luck all. See http://husbos.onglide.com/competitors.xml to keep up with our progress.
However, we didn’t all get to Rob’s standard by accident, a lot of training and practice is needed and our own MGC Task Week (week preceding August bank holiday) offers just that. You don’t even need your own glider as the K23, Discus or K8 can be hired daily or for the week and if you would like to sample cross country flying or use it for a NavEx or even to compete as a team, then the Twin Astir, K21 & K13 can also be hired.
Hope to see you there.
Congratulations again Rob 🙂