The models are very upbeat about this Thursday 5 July, all the way through the weekend and including Monday 9 July. Light winds, high bases, and yes… cumulus!!!
The detail may change, but now is the time to start re-arranging your calendar to make room for some XC flying.
If you are stuck for ideas on where to go, the club tasks (at this stage) all look on. Go to and scroll down to find the MGC Club Tasks. Discuss your task on the day with the No 1.
Lots of cut silage fields at the moment in our part of the world. There won’t be endless opportunities this season, so you should really be aiming to capitalise on at least one of these days.
If you have a spare place in your two-seater, or you are interested in flying XC as P2, please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with each other.
We’ll aim to publish some task suggestions the night before. So check the NOTAMS, make your plans, and maybe see you there?