Flying this week on Wed 24 and Thu 25 June

23 Jun 2020

Home » Flying this week on Wed 24 and Thu 25 June

Wednesday … Hangar doors open at 10:00

Thursday … Hangar doors open at 10:00 (nominally) may be subject to a weather call if there is is too much easterly component – That call will be via WhatsApp group

WHATSAPP – a word to the doubters.
WhatsApp is increasingly proving to be the tool for the job when it comes to making quick messages about flying on a particular day
1. It’s much quicker than the blog for us to send – no need to log on or wade though the random WordPress editor!
2. It’s much quicker for you to receive – this post won’t get to you until about 45 minutes after I’ve sent it. WhatsApp is instant
3. We have lives – we can’t continue indefinitely to double post – WhatsApp and blog
4. Everyone can be a contributor, not just a select few – you’ll get better information
5. It works via phone data and wifi
6. Everyone has a smartphone these days – they REALLY DO I’m afraid.

I think that there is a resistance to getting caught up in the world of social media that may be putting some of you off taking the plunge. I passionately don’t “do” Social Media, but WhatsApp just isn’t social media – there’s no log in, no personal details to enter other than your mobile phone number, no advertising, no “liking”… The channel is just for Mynd based gliding messaging and we’ll take a dim view of pictures of what you had for dinner, amusing cat videos and other social media dross. It really is just a BETTER FORM OF TEXT MESSAGING.

Please, please give it a try!

See you tomorrow

