Full Membership
If you are over the age of eighteen and the Mynd is your primary gliding club, this is the type of membership for you. We try and make this affordable as possible by reflecting the time you travel to the club in the membership fee with local, regional, national and overseas bands. We also offer reduced rates for people between the age of eighteen and under the age of twenty-six. As your primary gliding Club, we pay your annual British Gliding Association membership fee. You also have a share and vote in running our Club.

Annual Associate Membership
'Full members of other BGA UK-based gliding clubs may apply for annual Associate Membership (Second Club) of the Midland Gliding Club at a reduced fee.
'Full members of other BGA UK-based gliding clubs may apply for annual Associate Membership (Second Club) of the Midland Gliding Club at a reduced fee, although there are some restrictions compared to full membership benefits (e.g. they are not allowed to base their gliders on the site full-time).'

How much does it cost
Full Membership is £480.00 Associate Membership (Second Club) is £180.00