Saturday Talk from The National Trust

08 Jan 2019

Home » Saturday Talk from The National Trust

The National Trust is a charity founded in 1895 by three people who saw the importance of our nation’s heritage and open spaces and wanted to preserve them for everyone to enjoy. More than 120 years later, these values are still at the heart of everything it does.  It looks after special places throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland for ever, for everyone.  For the Trust, conservation has always gone hand-in-hand with public access.  It is our closest neighbour and we share a lot of vested interests and objectives.  We are pleased to welcome Patrick again this coming Saturday evening to enlighten us further about how the Trust safeguards the hill that we all depend upon for our special flying site.  Come up and fly on Saturday, listen to Patrick and enjoy a great meal in the clubhouse after.  Saturday looks like it could be a good ridge day with a stiffish northwesterly, ideal for our ridge.  Don’t waste a chance to stay in check or do some further training ready for the new soaring season which is not that far away now.  Make a weekend of it, stay over and fly again on Sunday as the wind stays just north of west!
