Sunday 22 December 2019

22 Dec 2019

Home ยป Sunday 22 December 2019

Long Mynd Soaring Club

It’s a funny old game – today we had a 15kt westerly, 1200ft base with plenty of gaps, five instructors and no students – all eating mince pies or wrapping Christmas swag, I guess.

So for the first time in my experience, we turned it into a soaring club, left the two-seaters in the hangar and just flew the single seaters. Orch launched us, Clive and Mark J took turns in the Junior, I tazzed about in the K23, Nige flew the Falke – alright, it’s a two seater, but he flew it alone! Ridge and a bit of wave. Nice day out – first time I’d flown in a while.

Happy Christmas to you all!

