XC Gliding at the Mynd – What Do You Want in 2019?

23 Nov 2018

Home » XC Gliding at the Mynd – What Do You Want in 2019?

Following on from an email sent to members last week, today is the last chance for you to have your say in what you want from our Cross Country Development program in 2019.

If you have already responded, we thank you, but if you haven’t and you have an interest in Cross Country gliding, we hope you will take the time to fill in this short (2 questions) questionnaire, so we can best tailor our 2019 program to suit you. It should take no more than 3 minutes, and will really help us deliver what you want in this area of flying

Please use this link … https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9TVPLVV

You can use the comments box at the end to add anything else you’d like to see. If you have any other lengthier comments, or wish to discuss your own particular cross country circumstances, please do contact us at XCDevelopment@midlandgliding.club

Answers will be collated this evening (Fri 23rd Nov) so please don’t delay.

Cheers, Mark
