Hi everyone, this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future
This week
Members evening 24th of November
We had an extremely well attended meeting and , a first for us, we had members joining us from across the web. We explained the strategic direction of the club and the immediate actions we are taking to ensure that we continue to deliver the type of club that you have all come to love.
Discus replacement
We have now sold the Discus so the CFI was able to outline our plans to replace it with a much more “friendly” single seater. The negotiations are at quite an advanced level now so watch this space.
Your team this weekend is:
Saturday: Guy Hartland, Walter Baumann, Stephen Alexander, Glyn Macarthur
Sunday: Guy Hartland, Walter Baumann, Stephen Alexander, Charles Page
A big thank you to Denise for her sterling work in painting the clubhouse a fresh white and lovely K8 green. Please could we have 2 volunteers to help finish the work with her. Please contact her via me or Sarah (marketing@midlandgliding.club)
Water supply
While on the subject of volunteering please can I put out a call out for 3 volunteers to finish digging the trench to secure the water supply (a very important resource for the club). Please liaise with the secretary (secretary@midlandgliding.club) to offer your services as the office is not open until the 7th of December.
K13 refurbishment
The photos below show what a fantastic job is being done on our K13s. We are anxious to get all of the gliders through the Arc process before the dreaded B….. deadline.
Forthcoming events
Next marketing event 5th December
These events are great ways for us to introduce our neighbours and gain new members. The next one is at Moor Park Christmas Fayre near Ludlow which is 2-5pm on wed 5th Dec. We have a small table inside for leaflets and chat and selling gift vouchers etc, plus glider outside to draw interest. We will leave the Mynd around 11:30am.Please can you contact Sarah directly by email if you are willing to help us out.
Marketing @midlandgliding.club
Winter Lectures
Our next lecture will be the National Trust on the 12th of January. For an ancient hill things do move quickly and the trust always give us an inspirational and informative talk on what is one of our most precious resources: our location
The February lecture is still under construction, we wont know the exact date until after Christmas.
Christmas meal and awards evening
Please put the 15th of December in your diary. You should have had an email from Fay asking you to choose and book. There is a limit on the numbers so I encourage you to book quickly before all the turkey goes. Once again we will he having a fun fundraising activity for the social fund so please could you give your donations to the office before the event. Any contribution will be gratefully received.