Chair’s Thursday Blog

14 Dec 2017

Home » Chair’s Thursday Blog

Hi everyone,  this is the regular Thursday posting to let you know what is coming up in the near future.

This week.

BGA news

Please use the link below to view the latest BGA news.



There is a proposed set of changes around the Daventry airspace. We are part of a group of clubs helping the BGA analyse the impact. This does demonstrate the importance of logging ALL of your cross country flights on the national ladder.  Something I have been poor at in the past but will improve next year. Without ladder flights then we have no proof we need airspace.


Shrewsbury winter festival

Santa joined us at Shrewsbury Winter Festival

Despite the snow and blizzards an intrepid band led by James manned our stand at the Shrewsbury Winter Festival this weekend. Even Santa came to see us!

Due to the weather it was quieter than normal, however we had some really good conversations with people about gliding and membership. We added around £1,000 to club coffers in trial lesson & gliding experience sales and also signed up our first person onto the new Weekend Intro to Gliding package!

The people who made the festival happen were:  Chris (Tigger) Harris, David Brown, David Rance (glider rescue and storage), Holly Harris, James Moore, John O’Reilly, Jon Hall, Mark Saunders, Mark Williams, Martin McCurdie, Roger Ellis, Sarah Platt, Tim Mason and Roger Andrews for the use of his ME7.  And Chris Ellis, Dave Wedlock, Geoff Minshull, Guy & Dawn Hartland and Neal Clements for trying to venture out into the blizzard to man the stand.  I hope I’ve not missed anyone out.

This comes on top of the previous weekend’s very successful stand at Much Wenlock Xmas Fayre.

Overall these events have made a big impact in getting our name out locally and building our reputation, and we look forward to keeping in touch with everyone we met with our emails and blog, to keep us in their minds.

shrewsbury 2 shrewsbury 1


There is still no more concrete information on Steve but he is at home helping the club and the committee so do keep in touch with him.

Your team this weekend is:

Saturday: Guy Hartland, Matthew Cook, Geoff Dailey

Sunday:  Alasdair Lewis, Charles Carter, Geoff Dailey, Tony Dietrich

The hill may be inaccessible please call before you set out.  Dave is blogging conditions so keep an eye on your emails.

Forthcoming events


Christmas dinner  and presentation evening

We will reschedule the evening, probably in March, as soon as we know we will publish the date.

Winter talks

Denise has worked out a superb schedule for this winter’s lectures. They all start at 18:00 and if we have a speaker then we do ask for a small donation on the night to cover their expenses.  Book the date,  have a few flights, enjoy the talk then have a superb evening meal.

January 13 – National Trust.  All of your questions answered (who does own the horses?) and the trust’s plans for the future development of the Mynd.

February 24 – Julian has very kindly offered to talk about Euro Glide with us.  More details closer to the time but I can assure you it is absolutely brilliant and will inspire you.

March 10 – Hugh Browning the BGA safety wizard.

March Expedition 2018.

We have not had enough interest from the Mynd or other clubs to make an expedition to Llanbedr viable, so we have decided that we are not going to Llanbedr next year. We have booked LLeweni Park in Denbigh from 10th March 2018 for a week for up to 12 gliders. 

If you want to go you need to book in your own glider, there is a £40 deposit, £20 of which is offset  against flying fees. It costs £8 per day per person, £9 per night for hangarage. There is a winch.

Unlike Llanbedr it has one narrow runway and you have to be able to land on it and roll to the end to be able to fly there, see this link.

If you want to fly P2  in a club 2 seater please email me at to put your name on the list and I will do my best to arrange it.

You can take a caravan and stay on the airfield for £5 per night. It costs £8 per day per person, £9 a night hangarage (limited) They have a winch. 

If you want to go you can book yourself in at

Spaces are limited to 12 and Cosford are also going, so don’t delay, do it today.

Please email to let me know you are going, and when you have booked in

Mike G
