January 31st 2019 Chairman’s Blog

31 Jan 2019

Home » January 31st 2019 Chairman’s Blog

Hi everyone, this is the Thursday Chairman’s blog to keep you up to date with things Myndy.

If you look at the webcams today (weather-information/) you will see that there is snow on the hill and reports are that the roads this morning have a lot of ice.  BBC (MeteoGroup) are expecting more snow across the west Midlands overnight and into tomorrow morning.  TopMeteo is expecting 4/8 cloud cover on Saturday but bases at about 2300’asl with 20kt northerly winds strengthening during the afternoon.  Temperatures at the club will be below freezing so driving up may be difficult but you will be able to walk from Asterton.  Sunday the wind goes south west, strengthening to nearly 30kts during the afternoon with high cover developing.  Temperatures will drop to around -2C.  Notwithstanding any of this, Guy Hartland is confident he will be there and Pete Orchard will try to get there so flying will be available for those that want it.  So your duty teams this weekend are:

Saturday 2nd February
Neal Clements (No 1), Charles Carter (TLs), Peter Orchard (winch), and Dave Cole (LD)
Sunday 3 February 
William Brewis (No 1), Allan Reynolds (TLs), Peter Orchard (winch), Laurant Couval (LD)

Caravan Spaces at the Club
Please note that the closing date for caravan space applications is the end of February.  Application forms will be available from the office and from the website (policies-rules-and-documents/) by the end of next week.  Remember we are limited to 21 spaces in total and all applications are subject to approval.  If you are a current caravan owner and no longer require a space or are unsuccessful in being allocated a space for this coming year, you must remove your caravan from site by the end of March 2019.

Winter Lecture Series 9th February
We are pleased to announce that Peter Saul will be giving a lecture on Saturday 9th February at 1800, provisionally titled ‘Passing your medical – or how to fool your AME’  I can guarantee that this will be worth listenening to, so come up for the day, enjoy some flying, listen to Peter and have a good meal.

Happy Holidays Dave and Helen
Helen and Dave are now on holiday in sunny Costa Rica until the beginning of March so wishing them a great time, good weather and lots of recuperation time.  Rob Hanks will be the pro instructor available until they return.

Instructor Meeting – now 16th February
The next Instructor meeting was scheduled to be at the club on 9th February.  Please note that it has been rescheduled for the 16th February because it clashes with the lecture, unless the weather intervenes when it may be rescheduled again.

Dates for all courses are published on the website (Courses-Leaflet-2019-2.pdf).  If you book before the end of February you will receive a 10% discount.  Don’t wait, do it now and save a bit of cash for your continued flying during the rest of the summer.

Press and Public Relations 
I am looking for a person with experience of Press and Public Relations matters to help the club raise its profile locally and nationally.  It will involve finding out what is happening at the club on a regular basis, writing press releases and getting them out to the relevant people.  It won’t require design or creating artwork, as that is covered already, but will require liaising with the club’s marketing officer and the Chairman.  This is a really important area of promotion for the club and will play a big part in our ongoing recruitment campaigns, necessary to secure its future growth and prosperity.  You don’t have to be a member of the club but an interest in aviation will be useful.  If you are interested please contact me directly at chairman@midlandgliding.club.

Don’t let the cold weather put you off.  Wrap up and enjoy some great winter flying.  We are priviledged to be able fly all year round from our site so make the most of it.  Happy landings

Jon Hall


