Mid Week Flying Monday & Tuesday 8/9 June

07 Jun 2020

Home » Mid Week Flying Monday & Tuesday 8/9 June

Hi All.

Well Andy Holmes, Mark Sanders & Dave “Dangerous with a tephigram” Crowson have got our heads together and we reckon the best chance for flying this coming week will be Monday & Tuesday. Dave C will supervise Monday and Mark S will supervise Tuesday. Winch drivers currently under negotiation Monday, but we’ll have cover! Steve Alexander is driving Tuesday. Thanks to all.

It doesn’t look like a spectacular week, but both days should produce flyable windows and are the best opportunities we seem to have this week. Tuesday might currently look like the best bet, but the weather situation is very variable. One of us will update again later. Don’t worry if you see a wet start forecast, as we will fly even if it’s just for the afternoon and will fly until late if needed after a late start. Don’t forget the Mynd can often produce good flying windows, even when the forecast looks poor, due to the local topography. If there’s a rain shower at any stage, we can shelter in cars or in a socially distanced manner in the hangar mouth.

Please support us and use this opportunity to visit the club and get flying if you meet the current flying requirements. It doesn’t need to be a 500 day to get current again. It is worthwhile to come and fly a club glider or your own glider and just do a few circuits or local soaring to get back up to speed. The more flying we do, the sooner the weather limitations can be revised again & the more ready we can be for the next big day.

If you don’t meet the current flying requirements, or feel uncomfortable flying after such a long lay off, please still come and help, chat to the supervising instructor, tinker with your glider, whatever. It would be great to see you.

Please let us know on here if you plan to attend, so we can gauge demand/enthusiasm for these sessions.

Thanks 👍

Andy, Dave & Mark
