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Corona Lectures

During the Corona lockdowns we organised online talks.  These are a mix of PowerPoint presentations and recordings of the lectures as mp4 files.  The mp4 files sometimes require you to click on them, then nothing happens, close the browser and do it again and it will load.  You have to click the start arrow at the bottom.

Using SeeYou on an Oudie
How to set your Polar in SeeYou using an Oudie
Defining waypoints in SeeYou using an Oudie
How to put flights on the BGA and Club Ladder
Flight Planning Part One 30 April 2020
Flight Planning Part Two 30 April 2020
Becoming a Cross Country Pilot 7 May 2020
Mynd Mini Tasks
Using Condor Soaring Simulator
Weather Forecasting
Which first glider, syndication and maintenance issues
Interpreting the Skew-T diagram
How to fly cross country faster
Competitions – how to start and why you should – Andy Holmes
Final Glides
Learning to Fly Gliders
GPS, SatNavs and Loggers (supporting material listed below)

Competitions – What you need to know – Julian Fack
Dave (Crowson) on Wave
Everything you need to know about winch launching, from the winch driver’s end – Geoff Dailey and Dave Crowson
Meet the (new) CFI – and lots of stuff on getting flying again – Steve Male and Guy Hartland
Launch Director Briefing
What to do next – 20 dec 2021
Weather Forecasting for Beginners
Pete Stratten , CEO, on the BGA
Roger on the Placard
See and Be seen – Electronic Conspicuity – Mike Fox
Bungee Launching Briefing by DC

2022-23 Winter Lectures

FlyZero – Darren James
Aerobatics and the Flight Envelope – David Crowson
What is CHIRP? by Steve Forward

Various videos

Winch Launch Wing Drop
More Flutter
Even More Flutter
Flutter again
Spin off a thermalling turn
Beautiful video of wave flying
Orographic cloud development on the MyndFire Safety

Incident Reporting

Incident Report Form
Incident Report Form in MSWord format

Information for Members and Visiting Pilots

Standard Operating Procedures
How to Become a Glider Pilot
Airfield Safety Rules
Cleaning Gliders
Daily Operations
Hangar Unpacking
Keeping the Log
Launch Point Operations
Launch Point Positives
Pre Flight Checks
Use of Logbook

Course Booking

Course Booking Information and Form (Word format)
Course Booking Information and Form (PDF format)

Caravan and Trailer Hitch Application Forms

Caravan Space Application Form (PDF version)
Caravan Space Application Form (MS Word version)
Glider Trailer Hitch Registration Form April 2021


Current charges to April 2024

Club Policies

Rules, Constitution and Policy Documents

Midland Gliding Club Ltd Rules and Constitution
Midland Gliding Club Equity and Equal Opportunity Policy
Midland Gliding Club Child Protection Policy
Midland Gliding Club Health and Safety Policy
MGC Sport Development Plan
Midland Gliding Club Strategic Plan 2007 – 2012
